
Character Sketch of the persona's father in the poem "Apo on the Wall" by Bj Patino

        The persona is a child that is curious about the picture of the Apo on the Wall. Being a clumsy and sneaky kid, he decided to intervene to his father's belongings. Ans as his father caught him sneaking in his room, he still wearing the green uniform even he is out in the office and the breast plates that symbolize that he is in the high rank position in the army. Considering the wall-handguns, plagues, sword, and many more in his room while carrying the picture of his boss, this signify that he is a hardworking, strict and loyal to his duty having the high rank position in the army.     And while bringing the picture of his boss means that it is dedicated on his job as a part of the army. When the kid looked in the picture that his father holding, he got scared about how its eyes looks on him as his father snapped him out of his room. I conclude that the father wanted his son not to be expose to the real world as long as his still young. Even the persona sees him as a very